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As Editor of groundbreaking business magazine Fast Company, Robert Safian has spent a lot of time analyzing what makes companies and executives successful in our ever-changing digital world. In this environment, where sitting still means becoming irrelevant, he has ID'd a group of people poised to thrive. Not defined by demographic, Generation Flux describes those who are willing to embrace the break-neck speed of change and take chances. So how does this group navigate through the chaos when there are no precedents for success? In our iKids 2013 keynote presentation, Safian will show you how, drawing on examples from digital industry leaders such as Apple and Facebook, as well as consumer products giants like Nike. You'll learn why change needs to be welcomed, how to keep up with your kid consumers, where the target is moving, and where the next opportunities lie.
Robert Safian
Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director
Fast Company Magazine