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Director, Product Innovation
No Crusts Interactive
Carla Engelbrecht Fisher, Ed.D. is a game designer with a research obsession and the founder of No Crusts Interactive, a children’s game design firm that focuses on creating educational and developmentally appropriate interactive experiences. Having spent nearly fifteen years making children’s digital goods, she’s designed, produced, researched, and consulted on a wide variety of commercial and educational products, from Web to mobile to gaming consoles.
Prior to starting No Crusts Interactive, she worked for Sesame Workshop, PBS KIDS, and Highlights for Children. Dr. Fisher speaks internationally about developing children’s games at industry and academic events and is the co-author of the Kidscreen blog Kids Got Game. She holds a doctorate in instructional technology from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she studied technology and its relationship with human cognition and development, particularly as it applies to children and games. Additionally, Dr. Fisher holds a master's degree in media studies from the New School University and has, on occasion, been known to twist balloon animals and hats.
Speaking at: Game’s Anatomy — Deconstructing Success in Children’s Mobile Games