Two Bulls
Noah Harlan is a Founder of Two Bulls, a boutique software development firm specializing in mobile and related infrastructure with offices in New York, Melbourne, and Berlin. He also serves as Managing Director of Digital Strategy for Sullivan, a brand engagement and strategy firm where he guides digital communications strategies of diverse organizations including Cornell Tech, Two Sigma, LiquidNet, Merrill Lynch, and others. Noah was a Founder and Board Member of Breadcrumb (acq. Groupon, 2012) a leader in point of sale and mobile payments and GC Marketing Services, a nationwide event services company. Noah has been an advisor to the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy has been a commenter on mobile technology and payments for Bloomberg TV. Prior to founding Two Bulls, Noah produced films, TV, and related media projects. He produced six features including two Official Selections at Berlin and three at Cannes including one In Competition. He has a degree in Computer Science from Williams College and an Emmy Award for Advanced Media Interactivity.
Speaking at: DEMO—Amping up your ABC’s with multi-screen AR; Drinks and Demos (downstairs in the Trade Room)