CEO and Co-Founder
Cortechs Ltd
Áine Behan graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Neuroscience (University College Cork, 2000) and a PhD in Neuropathology (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2004). As a former Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland research lecturer and Neuromuscular Module Coordinator, Áine has 10 years’ postdoctoral experience in preclinical
research and proteomic investigation of therapeutic compounds for neurodegenerative disorders. Her research expertise is on in vivo and in vitro models of mental health and neurodegenerative disease which is evident by her research publications in psychiatry, proteomics and neurodegeneration.
With a MSc in Management and Leadership for Researchers (Institute of Leadership, RCSI, 2009), Áine is an entrepreneur and currently CEO and co-founder of Cortechs, a neurotechnology start-up based in Dublin developing brainwave-sensing technology and games for data-driven brain fitness solutions.
Speaking at: DEMO—Brainpowered Play; Drinks and Demos (downstairs in the Trade Room)