Monday, February 4
8:00 AM |
Networking Breakfast: How Do I Get An App For ThatBeekman Parlour Need digital applications for your property's content, but aren't sure where to turn for help? In this networking breakfast session, come spend some quality time with 10 top digital content studios as they showcase their innovative work and answer your questions. Grab a coffee, get intel, and build your rolodex of potential digital partners. Featuring:
Donna MacNeil
Sue Miller
Juliet Tzabar
Joey Egger
Mike Sorrenti
Nat Sims
Woody Sears
John Sansevere
Dave Schlafman
Jeff Roach
Anne Richards |
9:15 AM |
The Secrets of Generation FluxSutton North, Sutton Center As Editor of groundbreaking business magazine Fast Company, Robert Safian has spent a lot of time analyzing what makes companies and executives successful in our ever-changing digital world. In this environment, where sitting still means becoming irrelevant, he has ID'd a group of people poised to thrive. Not defined by demographic, Generation Flux describes those who are willing to embrace the break-neck speed of change and take chances. So how does this group navigate through the chaos when there are no precedents for success? In our iKids 2013 keynote presentation, Safian will show you how, drawing on examples from digital industry leaders such as Apple and Facebook, as well as consumer products giants like Nike. You'll learn why change needs to be welcomed, how to keep up with your kid consumers, where the target is moving, and where the next opportunities lie. Featuring:
Robert Safian |
1:30 PM |
CoderDojo — Up Close and Interactive with Digital Kid WizardsSutton North, Sutton Center If you're not familiar with CoderDojo, consider this your introduction. A volunteer-led collaborative academy designed to provide free and open learning in tech programming to kids, it has hubs set up in more than 22 countries. Along with learning coding languages, CoderDojo’s students have created commercial websites and iOS apps. Today, you'll get a chance to meet a panel of its best and brightest students from the New York area, who can certainly teach seasoned digital media execs a thing or two. Featuring:
Rebecca Garcia
Carl Sednaoui |
4:00 PM |
Lessons From Further AfieldSutton North, Sutton Center Good ideas can come from anywhere, and the best ones often crop up when you look beyond your comfort zone. So we've assembled an all-star panel of digital media experts from outside the kids arena who have mounted some of the year’s most inventive, original and unique consumer-facing executions. They'll discuss their inspirations and what it took to achieve their goals—and hopefully, they’ll leave you thinking about a world of new possibilities to explore for your own business. Featuring:
Justin Kingsley
Natan Edelsberg
Catherine Tait
Raven Metzner
Susanna Pollack |
5:00 PM |
iKids Awards Ceremony & CocktailSutton North, Sutton Center Our day wraps up on a celebratory note with the iKids Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Party, where the winners of the inaugural awards for the market’s best digital media products for kids will be announced. |